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"Chocolate so good that it makes you do good"
What people love about our chocolates

Neha Mookim
Bangalore, India
It was everything I wanted and it tasted delicious! Thank you once again Aadvik Foods for coming up with Camel Milk Chocolates! I just love the taste & texture of the Chocolates. I loved that all the ingredients used in making the chocolate were Natural! I, for sure, will be ordering some more for my family too!

Ashi Mishra
Delhi, India
My friend suggested me to try Camel milk chocolates and my first thought was “what? No!”
But then she made me taste it and it was delicious, simply delicious especially the roasted almond one. The texture was so smooth that it immediately melted in my mouth.
I loved it soooo much.
I want to rate it 10/10.

Khushal katira
Mumbai, India
I have tried camel milk which they provide and i love roasted almonds in chocolates but never thought of combining these two different things until, recently i got to know about the camel milk chocolate which was launched by the same company aadvik foods from which i use to buy
camel milk