Camel milk vs Cow milk


Camel Milk Vs Cow Milk: While visiting a milk farm, we may quizzically gape at farmers if they are milking any other animal than cows or buffalos. They become a completely different species for us and we think to ourselves, “what is this person doing? Who drinks this?”

However, did you know? There are other types of milk available in the market. Among them, camel milk is gaining popularity. When watching those farmers milk camel milk, did you ever think that it is nothing but an exotic drink to the traditional cultures of the desert regions?

Well, it is quite normal to see them with camels, and what better animal to roam around the desert, as camels can survive on very little sustenance!

Not just this, it is a staple among these traditional cultures due to its myriad benefits!

Now, when compared to cow milk, camel milk has much more benefits. For starters, camel milk has more nutrients and minerals, is beneficial for diabetics, helps in boosting immunity, etc. These are just a few of the benefits, a lot more are coming up! Continue reading to know more about the differences between cow milk and camel milk.

The difference in the nutritional value of Camel Milk and Cow Milk:

Ever type of milk has its own nutrient value, where some may have more nutrients and minerals, however, this does not mean that the other types of milk are not healthy!

For the nutrient value of Camel Milk:


Nutritional Value of Camel Milk And Cow Milk:

Camel Milk contains A2 Proteins, whereas Cow Milk contains A1 Proteins.

Camel Milk contains A2 proteins, which helps in keeping the blood pressure under control. The presence of A2 proteins even helps in potentially lowering your cholesterol levels, which means you can say goodbye to that extra fat!

Cow Milk, as it contains A1 proteins, may cause various problems in the body like inflammation, heart diseases, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc.

Camel Milk helps in Autism.

Camel Milk is known to be a potential therapy for autistic individuals. A 2005 study showed that for individuals who consumed camel milk, their autism symptoms reduced largely. They seemed quieter and less hyperactive. Their speech improved and they were able to understand things better.

It has further been found that the high levels of magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin E in Camel Milk help increase glutathione production, which in turn, helps in decreasing oxidative stress among autistic individuals. Experts state that oxidative stress is one of the major reasons behind autism. Magnesium is known to help reduce oxidative stress, all the while enhancing Vitamin E and C absorption. Along with this, zinc helps in increasing glutathione levels.

In contrast to this, cow milk is said to cause allergies among autistic individuals and may cause inflammation among them. As the gut of autistic individuals is very sensitive, consuming cow milk may worsen their situation.

Camel Milk is beneficial for Diabetics.

Camel Milk has a higher level of insulin-like proteins, as compared to cow milk, which has been mentioned above.

There have been various researches conducted on camel milk and its beneficial effects on diabetes. It helps in reducing the insulin dosage among type-1 diabetics by 30%. It even helps in controlling the blood sugar levels among diabetic patients.

This, however, cannot be said for cow milk, as it contains a higher amount of sugar and the level of insulin in cow milk is also very less, as compared to camel milk.

Camel Milk is beneficial for Lactose Intolerance.

Camel Milk does not contain Beta-lactoglobulin, which is a major cause of allergy among people who consume cow milk. Further, it contains less lactose than cow milk, which makes it more tolerable for lactose intolerants.

There was research conducted on 25 patients, with clinical and laboratory diagnoses of lactose intolerance. They were given both cow and camel milk. Now, for the results!

Pasteurized Camel Milk didn’t have any negative effect on the patients, whereas drinking even low amounts of cow milk showed significant clinical reactions. 

Camel Milk helps in Boosting Immunity.

 Camel Milk contains various compounds that help in fighting disease-causing organisms. There are two main components available in camel milk, that is, lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, which provide the body with a strong immune system.

Lactoferrin has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties, which help in inhibiting the growth of bacteria and viruses, which make the body more susceptible to cold, cough, fever, etc.

Camel milk also contains antioxidant properties, which may help in allowing your body to fight free radical damage.

In contrast to this, although cow milk has proteins and minerals, it is not as high as camel milk. It contains magnesium, zinc, etc, but the amount present in it is lower than that of camel milk.

You may want to consume cow milk, as you have not heard about camel milk, but trust us, once you get the hang of camel milk and see the benefits for yourself, you will not be able to let it go!

 Thus, can it be said that camel milk is more beneficial than cow milk?

 Sure, we can! With more vitamins, minerals, and proteins, it is more beneficial. Camel Milk is way more different than Cow Milk, even in terms of taste. Camel Milk, with its saltier taste and more benefits, for sure overshadows cow milk!

Would you like to try Camel Milk? Yes? Then, you can get your pack from Aadvik Foods, India’s first company to market, brand, and sell Camel Milk in India and abroad. From Raw Camel Milk Powder to Plain Camel Milk Powder to Flavored Camel Milk Powder, we have it all! We use the freeze-drying process to ensure that all the vitamins and minerals are retained, even in powder form!

What are you waiting for? Get your pack of Aadvik Camel Milk Powder today!


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